Always know where your stuff is with the Viloc Tag

The Viloc ™ Tag sends information to the LoRaWAN network for five* years, so you always know where all your assets are. The tag is easy to stick to every object.

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Why track assets?

Overview of your assets

Recover them

Keep track of your history

Why Viloc?

Compact tracking device
Water and shock resistant
Can't be copied
Up to 5 years of battery
100% self-installation!


When the yellow label is broken, the tag starts sending signals a few times a day. By registering the code on the yellow label online, you get insight into where your tag is. Done.

Theft protection

With the double-sided tape, the tag is easy to stick to any object. Do you want something better secured? Viloc also has special glue to stick the tag. When the tag is pulled loose, a piece breaks off. This is to ensure that an alarm is sent to you. Caught in the act!